Preimplantation Genetic Testing (PGTA)

What is PGT?

  • Technique used to identify chromosomal abnormalities in embryos through embryo biopsy before embryo transfer.
  • Basically, there are two types of genetic tests which are used to identify genetic disorders in embryos, which are PGT-A and PGT-M.

1. PGT-A
  • PGT-A is a powerful tool for selecting a good embryo for transfer, aneuploidy embryo can lead to miscarriages, birth defects and other complications.
  • It will be verified by using a biopsy process, taking 3-5 cells from the blastocyst for screening.
  • What are the advantages of PGT-A?
    1. Reduces the risk of miscarriage
    2. Minimize the risk of abnormalities in your child
    3. Increases pregnancy rates, even for elder age patient
  • Who can particularly benefit from PGT-A?
    1. People who had recurrent miscarriages
    2. Patients who hope to choose the healthiest embryos for implantation at one time
    3. People who had multiple implantation failure
2. PGT-M
  •  It helps to check genetic disorders in order to prevent the transfer of an abnormal embryo during IVF.
  • PGT-M carried out to reduce risk of your child inheriting a genetic disease or medical condition.
  • Most of the time, blood samples from the couple are required and all tests must be scheduled in advance and coordinated through the embryologist and genetic team.
  • Examples of some common single gene disorders: Thalassemia, Spinal muscular atrophy, Hemophilia A & B, etc.
  • Besides, which categories should be considered PGT-M?
    1. Couples with a serious genetic condition who want to avoid from being passed to the next generation
    2. Couples who experience multiple times of miscarriages 